Ledger® Live*Download - Secure (Webflow) | us

Ledger Live is the official companion app for Ledger hardware wallets, providing a secure and user-friendly interface to manage your cryptocurrency assets. To get started with Ledger Live, follow these steps:Visit the official Ledger website (ledger.com/ledger-live/download) and download the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).Install the application by following the on-screen instructions. For Windows users, double-click the executable file and allow the installation if prompted. Mac users should drag the Ledger Live icon to the Applications folder.Launch Ledger Live and choose whether to set up a new device, restore from a recovery phrase, or use an initialized device.If setting up a new device, follow the prompts to create a PIN and write down your 24-word recovery phrase. This phrase is crucial for recovering your assets if your device is lost or damaged.Connect your Ledger hardware wallet (Nano S, Nano S Plus, or Nano X) to your computer using the provided USB cable.Use Ledger Live's Manager section to install the necessary apps on your hardware wallet for the cryptocurrencies you want to manage.Add accounts for your desired cryptocurrencies within Ledger Live. This allows you to view balances and transaction history.You can now use Ledger Live to send, receive, and manage your crypto assets securely. All transactions require physical confirmation on your Ledger device, ensuring maximum security.Ledger Live also offers additional features such as buying and swapping cryptocurrencies, as well as staking certain assets to earn rewards. Regular updates are provided to improve functionality and security, so make sure to keep your Ledger Live application up to date.Remember, Ledger Live enhances the security of your digital assets by requiring physical confirmation on your hardware wallet for all transactions. This combination of software and hardware provides a robust defense against online threats and unauthorized access to your cryptocurrencies.ShareRewrite